About ICRM
The Center for Resilience Research (CRR), founded in 2021, is a university-level research center established at National Tsing Hua University. The center aims to develop grounded scholarship and foster a community of theoretical and practical knowledge in resilience research. Our goal is to become a leading global research center in resilience with positive impacts on society, and a benchmark for interdisciplinary scholars worldwide.
Resilience, although long discussed in various disciplines such as literature, art, psychology, sociology, and management, did not emerge as a focal concept until the COVID-19 pandemic. For individuals, it is the capacity to maintain psychological well-being and cope with life's inevitable changes and fluctuations. For industries, it is the dynamic capability to sustain from the disruption of routine business processes, and even thrive after unexpected challenges due to socio-technical or eco-political turmoil. For social resilience, it is the collective actions of stakeholders to sustain the generations in such complex adaptive systems of human societies. At the national level, resilience covers policies and regulations that guide the resources created and distributed for the common good of citizens and sustainable development. And while the term “resilience” has been widely used since the pandemic, it is rare to find systematic, integrated, and multidisciplinary approaches to investigate and implement resilience at the various levels it is urgently needed. The need for a comprehensive approach to resilience is particularly acute at the moment, as the world faces unprecedented challenges from Covid, climate change, and conflict.
The lack of integrated research, and the urgency in practice, has prompted us to gather researchers from different disciplines and methodologies to address issues arising from unprecedented and drastic changes. Currently, our center delves into resilience-related issues through four analytical units: individual, industrial, social, and national. Our research team members come from diverse academic backgrounds and methodological expertise, enabling us to respond to different levels of research questions through interdisciplinary knowledge integration. To ensure systematic and sustained interaction with the real world, we have also established the "Resilience Academy" as a knowledge management and learning platform for the practice community. Services provided include personal technology empowerment, employee mental resilience and counseling, SME counseling and empowerment, government policy formulation suggestions, and cross-border network platform construction. We look forward to promoting interaction and cooperation among academia, industries, communities, and individuals to enhance resilience capabilities.
The research outcomes of our center will be disseminated through academic outlets and public forums. Through academic responses and exchanges among experts and attendees, these 1outcomes will be transformed into practical contributions to policy formulation, business transformation, community outreach, and resilience consulting. In the latter half of 2023, our center
organized four resilience forums that focused on the four analytical units and included researchers from overseas. In 2024, we will continue to host a series of online seminars, workshops, forums, and other activities to promote resilience and public discussion.
With the above vision in mind, we aim to host an international conference in Taiwan this year focusing on resilience and management. We will invite domestic and overseas scholars to present relevant research and practical experiences on resilience issues, considering resilience strategy formulation and adjustment from various perspectives. Therefore, the name of the 2024 International Conference on Resilience and Management hosted by the CRR at National Tsing Hua University is "Resilience and Management, an Interdisciplinary Landscape" to highlight the interdisciplinary collaboration on tackle resilience related issues from academics and practitioners.
We aim to use the conference to consolidate the many connections, resources, and research initiatives already begun at our center with our overseas collaborators and local partners. The conference will bring together various stakeholders in person, and create new linkages that will benefit academia, industry, and local practice deep into the future. We aim to do so through
our key objectives:
A. Engage in academic dialogue and exchanges with notable resilience centers overseas against which we benchmark our mission and performance.
B. Facilitate the convergence and integration of research efforts from various fields and areas of research, especially those areas that have been working on related or parallel topics to bring them under the umbrella of resilience.
C. Create engagement between international scholars and local practice to exchange knowledge between two sides – The conference will bring international scholars together with local practitioners, industry, and communities in Taiwan and so create opportunities for engaged scholarship and informed practice.
D. Make the center’s presence felt in academia and build up momentum in our core topics – The conference will give opportunities for scholars to present and publish their work in proceedings and special issues of leading journals.
E. Co-create new knowledge from participants by engaging in diverse and systematic interactions at multiple points – We plan to offer roundtables, panels, and informal discussions opportunities where new and emerging ideas can be refined and new collaborations formed.
F. Strengthen the Resilience Academy (Residemy) – Rather than an end in itself, the outputs and networks created at this conference will continue to inform and enrich the activities of the center’s Resilience Academy, through which participants and stakeholders can continue the interactions, discussions, and practices discovered at the conference.