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Keynote Speakers


Keynote Speakers


Michael Schoon, Ph.D.

Dr. Michael Schoon is an associate professor at Arizona State University's School of Sustainability, specializing in policy and governance within sustainable systems. His research, awarded by the American Political Science Association, focuses on transboundary conservation in southern Africa. Currently, Dr. Schoon examines collaborative governance in Arizona,

exploring how adaptive institutional arrangements impact social-ecological outcomes. He actively engages in complexity and resilience research, contributing to the International Union director of the Resilience Alliance which is a network of resilience connecting resilience research between Europe and North America. Schoon's ongoing work aims to develop a generalizable theory of cross-border governance and collaboration in conservation and development projects.

David G. Schwartz, Ph.D.

Dr. David G. Schwartz is professor of information systems, and former vice-chairman, at the Graduate School of Business Administration of Bar-Ilan University, Israel and co-founded the Entrepreneurship Program. He is a distinguished academic and business leader, known for his contributions to information systems and technologies. He has authored over 150 research papers and books, with publications in prestigious journals like Information Systems Research and IEEE Intelligent Systems. As a visiting scholar and professor, he has shared his

expertise globally, including at Columbia University and Renmin University of China. David's diverse interests range from mHealth to cybersecurity and knowledge management, making him a versatile and influential figure in academia and business.



Keynote Speakers


Keynote Speakers


Christina Victor, Ph.D.

Dr. Christina Victor, a distinguished professor in gerontology and public health, has made

significant contributions to academia and research. With a background in geography and a focus on health disparities, she has explored various aspects of aging and later life experiences. Her interests now extend to loneliness, exercise benefits for seniors, and the challenges faced by minority communities. Leading numerous research projects funded by prestigious institutions, Christina has authored over 180 articles and 8 books in gerontology. She serves as the Editor of Ageing and Society and is a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health and an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences.

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