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Q1: I have completed the registration and payment process, but I have an unexpected situation and cannot attend. Can I get a refund?

A1: Refunds are based on the number of days before the conference. Please refer to the attached table for the refund policy:


One month before the event (including October 29)

Ten days before the event (including November 19)

Three days before the event (including November 26)

Within three days before the event (November 27, 28, 29)

Refund Policy

Full refund

Seventy percent refund

Fifty percent refund

No refund

Credit Card Payment Refund:
ICRM offers a direct refund to the original payment card. Refund may be listed on this month or next month's credit card statement (based on credit card payment closing date).

Q2: Can I register on-site on the day of the event?

A2: To ensure a stable quality of the conference and manage resources such as conference handouts and meals, on-site registration will not be available for the sessions after the panel discussion on day 1 and for all sessions on day 2. We recommend that participants complete the registration and payment process as early as possible.

Paper Submission

Q1: Can I submit more than one paper?

A1: Yes, we welcome submissions from authors with papers related to Resilience and Management. If two papers are accepted and you are the primary presenter for both, you will only need to register once. If two papers are accepted and have different primary presenters, each presenter will need to register separately.


Q2: How do I submit a paper? Do I need to register for a CMT account to submit? Do co-authors also need to register an account?

A2: Detailed submission procedures are explained in the SOP document on the Call for Papers page of this website. The primary author must register for a CMT account to submit a paper. Co-authors do not need to register but can be added by the primary author in the author section of the submission system.


Q1: When will the meeting agenda be announced?

A1: The preliminary agenda is currently posted on the Agenda page of the website. The finalized schedule, including speaker session assignments, will be announced on November 20th.


Q2: How long is each presenter allocated for their oral presentation? Do I need to bring my own computer equipment for projection on the day of the presentation?

A2: Each Parallel session is allotted 80 minutes. There will be 3-4 presenters scheduled per session, giving each presenter approximately 16-20 minutes for their oral presentation. The remaining 16-20 minutes will be reserved for Q&A, during which each person will have about 4-5 minutes to ask questions immediately following the presentation. You do not need to bring hardware equipment on the day of the seminar. Organizers will collect presentation slides from speakers before November 25th. If you wish to update your slides after this deadline, please ensure you arrive at the meeting room for your presentation session at least 10 minutes early to ensure that the latest version of your file can be accessed by the on-site equipment.


Q: How can I contact the organizers if I have questions?

A: If you have questions related to the conference that cannot be answered through the website, please feel free to email Alternatively, you can contact the respective responsible persons based on your inquiry category by calling:

  1. For submission and presentation file-related inquiries: call 03-5715131#35197, contact person: Shelley. You can also inquire via the submission system -> Contact chair or send an email.

  2. For registration-related inquiries: call 03-5715131#35197, contact person: Helen(周愛倫).

  3. For agenda-related inquiries: call 03-5715131#35197, contact person: Celia.

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